Halitosis Cure & Bad Breath Treatments

We provide effective clinical halitosis treatments and remedies, for adults and children dealing with chronic bad breath problems. We understand that bad breath can be embarrassing and most people want it to just go away. Fortunately, most cases of bad breath are not permanent and can be resolved.

At other times it may be related to an underlying health issue and that’s why it’s important to speak with a dentist that understands the common causes of bad breath and knows which treatments would be best for you.

The following information will help you understand the causes of halitosis and whether it’s time for you to speak to your dentist or hygienist about ways of resolving the issue professionally.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Checking for bad breathWhile gum disease is usually associated with breath odour, even healthy mouths can have odour. The same types of bacteria cause both breath odour and gum disease. An increase in harm­ful oral bacteria, even in otherwise healthy mouths, is by far the most common cause of an array of persistent and chronic health conditions.

Bad Breath Is Not Your Fault!

Bad breath bacteria are found under the gums, on the tongue, the back of the throat and on tonsils. These bacteria break down proteins, producing bad smelling chemicals called ‘volatile sulfur com­pounds’ (VSCs). The VSC chemicals dissolve in saliva and coat nasal passages, affect your sense of taste and smell, and substantially impact your overall physical health. When VSCs mix with the air we breath, our breath develops an unpleasant odour.

Oravital gum disease treatmentThe following conditions can add to symptoms of bad breath:

  • periodontal disease
  • daily stress
  • poor nutrition
  • dental cavities
  • sulfurous foods
  • hunger odour (ketosis)
  • hormonal changes
  • digestive disorders like acid reflux
  • dehydration
  • prescription drugs

Control Bad Breath Concerns With Oravital®

Research shows that 75% of the population suffers from some form of periodontal disease, and about 50% from halitosis. Both are evidence of an oral infection. Dental hygiene cleanings alone will not eliminate infectious oral bacteria and over-the-counter rinses or breath products may briefly mask the odours, but they don’t eliminate the underlying infection altogether.

The OraVital System is a uniquely effective and individualized treatment program for bad breath and gum disease. OraVital treatment has helped thousands of patients start new lives after years – or even a lifetime – of living with chronic halitosis.

OraVital Detec­ts and Treatment Chronic Bad Breath

Our dental team is trained in the science of restoring fresh breath. We welcome the opportunity to change your life.

We understand the difficulties, social im­pact and stresses that result from living with bad breath and it’s related problems. You will always be treated with expert care and sensitivity in a professional and supportive setting.

OraVital microbiology screening provides us with a precise, accurate diagnosis of the types of bacteria causing odours so we can treat the cause and not only the symptoms and thereby restoring your mouth to an optimal condition.

Not Sure If You Have A Breath Problem?

  • I feel that I have bad breath
  • My gums bleed when I clean my teeth
  • My mouth feels dry or pasty
  • I often have a bad taste in my mouth
  • I have a poor sense of smell
  • I don’t enjoy food as much as I used to
  • I use a lot of mints, gum, rinses, sprays or other products for breath control
  • I feel that my breath is having an impact on my personal, social and working life

The OraVital System specializes in the detec­tion and treatment of chronic bad breath and gum disease problems. These procedures are the result of ground-breaking scientific re­search and over 5,000 successful treatments.

When used as directed, the OraVital System has a 90+% success rate for treating breath odour and bleeding gums. Join the thousands of people from all over the world who have said goodbye to bad breath!

The OraVital Treatment Method

We begin with a detailed assessment that includes a bacterial analysis of your whole mouth, as well as your dental and periodontal health, diet and health history. Then we assess all conditions that could have an impact on your breath and determine exactly where the odours are coming from.

Based on your test results we create an indi­vidualized treatment for you. This includes targeted OraVital antibiotic rinses to control bad breath and bad taste as well as an effective daily home care routine.

Our role doesn’t end with your successful treatment. OraVital includes personal support and an easy, individualized daily maintenance routine so you can feel confident every day. You can count on our expertise to maintain your continuing oral health.

Get In Touch With Us

If you are you experiencing any of these symptoms, make an appointment for a consultation with us or give us a call at 519-720-9119 to make an appointment to speak with one of our dentists.

OraVital can help you stay healthy and restore your confidence!

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©2025 Parkway Dentistry
1-299 Wayne Gretzky Pkwy.,
Brantford, Ontario,
N3R 8A5, Canada

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Our Dentists Dr. Pio Modi, Dr. Usman Malik, Dr. Lucas Da Silva and our Brantford dental team provide high quality dentistry for the whole family.

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